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Past events:

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JWC 2014-15

JWC - November

JWC - October

JWC - January

JWC - March

JWC - April

JWC - May

"The Power of the Jewish Woman-
Turning our House into a Home"

Thursday, July 11th, 2013 @7 pm,
Hosted by Mrs. Angie Hirschhorn
Segovia Tower, 600 Coral Way, Coral Gables

Make a Stunning Mosaic Trivet -
Creating Beauty from the 'Pieces' in our Lives


An Evening of Dairy Delight!

The Jewish Women's Circle Invites all women to an evening of Dairy Delight in honor of the upcoming holiday of Shavuot. Join us as we will create delectable cheesecakes with various toppings & designs, learn the modern meaning the the ancient holiday of Shavuot and enjoy the warm camaraderie with other women as we taste the delicious crepe buffet desserts.

Event is hosted by Mrs. Angie Hirschhorn, Segovia Towers, 600 Coral Way, Coral Gables. Party Room-ground floor.